
Schedule a Kindergarten Screening today!

Open Enrollment: Now – August 2023.

Call 419-684-8642
FCA Legacy Classic Dates

Student Celebration: May 22, 2023

Golf Event: June 12, 2023
Graduation and Awards Ceremony @ 6:30pm

May 23, 2023
Last Day of School: May 23, 2023

Early Dismissal @ 12

2nd & 3rd Grade @ Home Learning

Hello 2nd & 3rd Grade Families!


While we are out of school, this page will contain helpful information to help you work with your child at home!


A packet will be sent home each week, and you will return the previous week’s packet with completed assignments.  *Explanation at the bottom of this page.



Please pay attention to neatness and cursive/print letter formations as your child writes.  These are still skills we monitor and work on each day.  While your child may choose to work ahead, maintaining some daily practice is VERY important! Daily reading practice and math drills should become a part of your daily routine!




Remember: daily work assignments can be found at




Second grade students are required to view their phonics/language, health, and history lessons on Abeka.  Third grade students are required to view math, language, health, and history lessons. Click ABEKA Student Login



View the lesson number that the teacher has listed in the lesson plans available on planbook. The great thing about the ABEKA phonics videos is your child can feel apart of a class and participate with other students in reciting daily phonics sounds and practice other important concepts.



Please do not hesitate to communicate with Ms. Green if you have any questions or need additional help!  3rd Grade can communicate with Mrs. Cooper for math and history help!



Download (PDF, 66KB)